WORK (2007)

EDUCATION (2010-2011)

EVOLUTION (2013-2014)

* |el| Interview of Panayiotis Lamprou by Theophilos Traboulis, editor of Vice.com.gr, on 20/2/2014
* |en| Interview of Panayiotis Lamprou at the newspaper taz.de published at the blog: Kiosk der Demokratie, Hannover, Germany on 25/02/2012
* |Ge| Tribute to Panayiotis Lamprou at the Newspaper Sonntaz by Johan Kornder, titled “Wie in echt” (cover / layout), on 07/01/2012
* |en| A painted comment by artist Demi Kaia on 20/11/2011
* |en| Interview of Panayiotis Lamprou @ REVma -/+ by Kostas Prapoglou regarding his participation to the 3rd Athens Biennale MONODROME on 4/11/2011
* |ge| Reportage at the german channel ZDFMediatheck by Peter Schiering, titled Reportage von der Kunstbiennale in Athen – aspekte on 28/10/2011
* |el| Article at the greek newspaper “Ethnos” by Dimitra Roumpoula, titled “Μονόδρομος σύγχρονης Τέχνης” on 28/10/2011
* |el| Interview at the greek magazine “Athinorama” by Despoina Zeykili, titled “Η Μπιενάλε του παραλόγου (pdf-1, pdf-2)” on 20/10/2011
* |el| tvxs.gr on 12/9/2010
* |el| wip.gr at issue 6 on 11/2009.
Related articles
* |el| Δέυτερη ανοιχτή επιστολή Ελλήνων αστυνομικών που δημοσιεύτηκε στο Capital.gr (αναδημοσίευση Athens Voice) on 24/12/2012
* |el| Article at “Tεχνηέντως” by Augustine Zenakos, titled “Aστυ(α)νομια“, on 16/5/2012
* |el| Article at the greek newspaper “Athens Voice” by Soti Triantafyllou, titled “Αστυνομία, οδηγίες χρήσεως” on 3/11/2011
* |el| Blog “gaze at greece” by Nikos Xydakis, titled “νύξεις”, comment by Α.Σ.Α on 17 Δεκεμβρίου 2008 στις 9:40 μμ
* Athens Biennale / AB3 (2011)